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2201 Office Building


Project:      2201 Office Building, King of Prussia, PA

 Client:        Architectural Precast, L.L.C.

Customer:   Liberty Property Trust

Architect:    Cathers & Associates, Inc.

             The structure was a four story office building in the Renaissance Commercial Center.  The project consisted of multiple finish architectural precast concrete spandrels, cornices, column covers, wall panels, and ground panels.  This project is highlighted by the large sweeping radii geometry of the fourth floor and roof spandrels, the column caps, and bases cast into interlocking spandrel panels, and the 18 foot radius portico that interfaces with the large radiuses spandrels.  The project also had offset structure at the building corners that required intricate detailing and connections.

             Civilsmith Engineering, Inc. designed all precast concrete components, connections to the structure, and prepared all erection drawings and shop details.  Civilsmith also included erection sequencing an the drawings for the cornice panels, and prepared internal fit drawings to ensure the intricate portions of the structure would be geometrically compatible.


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